New vegas anti materiel rifle mods
New vegas anti materiel rifle mods

An uncommon rifle found usually found at level 50 or above.

new vegas anti materiel rifle mods

The British Boys 0.55 calibre anti-tank rifle was a significant increase on the usual 0.303 calibre ammunition used by its infantry. Bonus Damage to Scorchbeasts and Scorched. Handmade Anti-Materiel Rifle (REDUX) - German Translation: Universal Patch Installer - Fallout 4 Edition: Optional, but required for selected files. 6.6 r/fo76: Welcome to the Fallout Network subreddit for Fallout 76 Superior sighted accuracy. fire rate 5600 Bloody Mess (+5.5)Lord Death (+4.4)Thought You Died (+11) Soft targets are also targeted, if they're located at extreme ranges.

New vegas anti materiel rifle mods